Mayans M.C. – Season 1, Episode 6: “Gato/Mis”

FX’s Mayans M.C.
Season 1, Episode 6: “Gato/Mis”
Directed by Félix Enríquez Alcalá
Written by Debra Moore Muñoz

* For a recap & review of the previous episode, “Uch/Opossum” – click here
* For a recap & review of the next episode, “Cucaracha/K’uruch” – click here
Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 12.39.03 AMAngel (Clayton Cardenas), EZ (JD Pardo), and Coco (Richard Cabral) have some money they’re delivering to Adelita (Carla Baratta), who’s busy checking in on some of their contacts. Nobody’s paying attention to the little dude feeding information back to the Galindo cartel. Angel arrives and, alone with Adelita, makes clear he wants to know her plans: “Soup to nuts.” Great moment subtly showing the divide between Mexicans living in America v. Mexicans living across the border, as Adelita repeats “Soup and nuts?” not understanding the American idiom. Solid piece of writing, saying so much with so little.
At the clubhouse, Bishop (Michael Irby) talks with Hank (Frankie Loyal Delgado) about the cartel. They want to keep things smooth with Alvarez (Emilio Rivera), so they’re keeping close watch on Angel and Coco. Bishop’s also got to deal with Mayor Antonia Pena (Alexandra Barreto).
Outside his house, Felipe (Edward James Olmos) finds DEA Agent Kevin Jimenez (Maurice Compte) sitting on his steps, piss drunk. Kev’s not doing so well, worried for his family’s safety and feeling guilty for turning against his extended family. They have coffee together. Felipe talks about his history from 1976 to 1984, working for the antidrogas federales. Both men admit what they did to one another was “fucked up.” Kevin puts everything on the table, though it makes nothing easier.
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“I don’t underestimate any man’s capacity for despicable acts”

Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 12.45.29 AMThe cartel continues getting help from Emily (Sarah Bolger), who’s trying to play a bigger part in the family business. She and Miguel (Danny Pino) have formed a new, violent bond, one her mother-in-law Dita (Ada Maris) doesn’t exactly approve of/understand. The cartel wife suggests they go hard at Mayor Pena to help their cause.
Coco gets a visit from his daughter Leticia (Emily Tosta). Angel’s pretty surprised. At the same time, Coco’s being hauled off with Hank, and EZ has to look after the girl. Leticia says she can’t wait around. The prospect confronts her and she reveals bruises all over her body before showing him the corpse of the trucker she hitched a ride with recently— a misunderstanding led to her killing him in self defence with a screwdriver. Leticia’s sadly lived in a world where men have used her, in every way, so she assumes the same of the prospect. EZ assures her: “I dont want anything from you.”
At the market, Adelita does a bit of business, as does the cartel’s “little friend” Andres. The boy calls to check in with Galindo’s men. This gets word back to Nestor (Gino Vento) and Devante (Tony Plana). Not long after they get a call from Adelita herself demanding “seven million pesos in cryptocurrency” for the safe return of Galindo’s son. Miguel will pay, and then he wants to “slaughter every fucking one of them.”
Jump back 8 years. At the butcher shop, EZ found his mother face down in a pool of her own blood, right after seeing a car speed away with a Wildcats team sticker on the windshield. He’s reminded of this while looking for the trucker’s rig and seeing a similar sticker. The prospect’s interrupted by two men who think he’s robbing the truck. EZ has to fist fight the guys, getting more screwdriver help from Leticia, leaving a bigger mess than before. Soon Angel calls and EZ fills him in. They decide on using the “Death Tunnel” to ditch the body.
Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 12.55.18 AMScreen Shot 2018-10-10 at 1.03.07 AMOn the way to the clubhouse, EZ’s pulled over because the car was stolen from dear ole Grandma Cruz. This sends the prospect on a high speed chase. Another cop car shows up forcing EZ into Grand Theft Auto mode. He throws them off, ditching the car in a field, and floods the vehicle with water from a nearby pump to wash it clean. Some slick shit! Once it’s over Coco’s grateful for the prospect looking out for his family. Coco also apologises to Leticia for not being there for her like he should have, ready to be her “father, brother, friend,” or whatever she needs. The family secret’s being kept from the rest of the MC, not helping suspicions. While Bishop and Hank interrogate Chucky (Michael Ornstein) the conversation’s heard by EZ, who hears how close they are to finding out more about Adelita’s connection to them. Little brother goes to big brother letting him know their latest troubles.
Miguel’s out in the open. From afar, Adelita watches, confirming the cryptocurrency transfer. She calls to tell him the boy is in a blue car in the parking lot. Miguel finds him, safe and sound. Except before he can cross the border, he’s taken aside by the authorities. When border patrol checks the blanket the infant’s wrapped in they find a lining with drugs inside. Oh, shit. The rebels are playing chess, not checkers. Although they’re getting a visit from Nestor and the Galindo hitmen. But the rebels have prepared for this, too. Adelita knows Andres gave up the location and his tragic story of a father killed by Galindo was a lie. This ends with the little girl rebel pushing Andres over the edge of a building to his death for his betrayal.
A beautiful close to this episode features the song “My Father’s Father” (perfect title to go with the themes in this episode) by The Civil Wars. Listen here. And at the very end, another familiar Sons of Anarchy face has returned: Assistant U.S. Attorney Lincoln Potter (Ray McKinnon). He’s kicking around on his bike near the clubhouse.
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“What unspeakable truths lie twisted amongst the scrap?”

Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 1.32.57 AMBetween Coco and Leticia, Kevin and Felipe, as well as the rebels and Galindo, this episode was all about family, in a bunch of ways. Maybe the best episode yet of Mayans M.C. for several reasons. Absolutely the most touching. That appearance of Mr. Potter’s another awesome, compelling piece to add to the entire puzzle.
“Cucaracha/K’uruch” is next time.

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