Tell Me a Story – Chapter 9: “Deception”


CBS’s Tell Me a Story
Chapter 9: “Deception”
Directed by Adam Davidson
Written by Heather Zuhlke

* For a recap & review of Chapter 8, “Truth” – click here
* For a recap & review of Chapter 10, “Forgiveness” – click here
Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at 2.09.03 AMDt. Sam Reynolds (Dorian Missick) wakes up in his nice bed next to his beautiful wife to the alarm on his car going off outside. He heads to the driveway where he sees his car vandalised with the windshield smashed and PIG spray painted across the hood. He immediately calls Jordan (James Wolk): “Youre fucking dead.” His threats don’t mean much in the face of the widower’s vengeful anger. Jordan isn’t backing down. He’s taken down two of the Little Piggies – well, sort of – and just because the third is a dirty cop it doesn’t mean he’s afraid.
Elsewhere at the restaurant, Gabe (Davi Santos) is unconscious, lying in the basement. Esther (Debra Monk) and Katrina (Becki Newton) debate on what to do next. Someone called Bruce is being called in to take care of their problem. We further discover Katrina is Esther’s daughter— quite the family business. Katrina questions Gabe about the stolen money and what happened to Dan, believing the young man was after the money all along when he had no idea about it in the first place. The money actually belongs to her, too. On the other side of town, Hannah (Dania Ramirez) at least has her military pal Terry (Kurt Yaeger) to back her up, and she’s setting a meet with Esther.
Kayla’s (Danielle Campbell) decided on taking a “mental health day” from school, which grandma Colleen (Kim Cattrall) totally understands. The two chat about what’s been going on with the family, including the revelations about Abby’s affair behind everyone’s backs. Colleen’s happy to have her granddaughter under the same roof after things have settled down between them. Perhaps Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother will have a fairy tale relationship after all. That is, if Nick (Billy Magnussen) – a.k.a the Big Bad Wolf – doesn’t do anything too crazy.
Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at 2.11.54 AMAt the cop shop, Dt. Renee Garcia (Zabryna Guevara) is digging up dirt on Dt. Reynolds. She’s discovered connections between the big time detective and the Longo brothers, such as the fact he was Mitch and Eddie’s parole officer at different times. She’s starting to wonder if he could be the “third pig.” Her partner Dt. Olsen (James Martinez) isn’t so keen on the idea, especially considering Reynolds is a “star in his district” with lots of reach in the department.
Kayla keeps getting contacted by Nick, whereas Laney (Paulina Singer) is being contacted by Ethan. We know this is the Big Bad Wolf, because he killed Ethan. And soon Kayla gets a call from Laney, saying she needs to help a drunk Ethan get home. Uh oh. Nick’s got plans, and they sure aren’t good. Neither Laney nor Kayla are safe when they’re so close to this psychopath.
Speaking of psycho, Jordan’s keeping an eye on Sam’s wife Marianna and their little boy Leo, following them on the boardwalk. He actually goes to talk to Leo when mom steps away for treats. He introduces himself as “Mr. Wolf” and says he’s there to bring him to his father waiting nearby. But when mom returns she can’t find her child, because he’s being taken away by Jordan. He’s lost in his revenge. He comes to his senses before abducting the kid. Maybe he’s finally understanding the darkness threatening to swallow him whole.
When Kayla goes to the building where Laney asks to meet, she finds an artist’s loft. Inside she runs into Nick waiting for her. He locks the door with both of them in the room. He’s also got blood on his hands. Slowly she understands exactly how dangerous things have gotten, and he’s busy talking about flying off to France together. She eventually slices him with a pair of scissors, attempting to get away, only stumbling onto her friend’s corpse in the room’s clutter. She cracks Nick in the head, getting the key from his pocket, and she slips out of the room before he’s able to grab her again. She alerts people on the street as he runs out of the building after her, now things are quite public.
Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at 2.30.57 AMThe fairy tales intersect, as Dt. Reynolds interviews Kayla about the murderous substitute teacher. Tim (Same Jaeger) soon gets there to comfort his daughter in the wake of her close call with death. However, the worst of the stories is happening someplace else. The Big Bad Wolf has gone to find grandma at her shop. Nick asks her to help him “fool someone” with a disguise. She helps him with browsing while he sneaks her cellphone into his pocket when he sees Tim calling. She’s oblivious when he whacks her over the head. Afterwards he stuffs her corpse in a trunk.
In his grief and guilt, Jordan goes to Dt. Garcia. She believes his story and she’s willing to help, though it won’t be easy. She wants to get a warrant to search for the stolen diamonds in his home, which will require the grieving husband to make an official statement. This also helps him wholly realise the error of his ways, how far he’s let his angry revenge corrupt him. Unfortunately, Dt. Garcia is double crossed by Dt. Olsen, who guns her down with a silenced pistol in the street not long later.
Hannah and Terry are scoping out the warehouse where the meet’s planned. They’re soon joined by a bunch of men, including the guy she thought she killed in her apartment a while back. She wants to know her brother’s safe, but guns get pulled. So she and Terry lay down an assault. They fire on the men, taking them down one by one. Terry winds up taking a bullet in the arm and Hannah gets one in the body, saved by her vest. She calls Katrina soon to let her know everybody will die if her brother does, lurking right under their noses.
Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at 2.43.37 AMThe Hotel Sucre’s become a gathering point for the fairy tales, all of them converging in one location. Who’ll survive? Who’ll be killed? Next time is “Forgiveness”— the finale.
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