Caught – Episode 3: “Just Trust Me”

CBC’s Caught
Episode 3: “Just Trust Me”
Directed by T.J. Scott
Written by John Krizanc

* For a recap & review of the previous episode, “Old Wounds” – click here
* For a recap & review of the next episode, “Like Old Times” – click here
Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 2.32.04 AMAt the cemetery, David Slaney (Allan Hawco) is meeting Lefevre (Saul Rubinek) when Tommy Gabriel (Julian Black Antelope) and an armed friend show up. He’s going to take that money being handed over. He also threatens the life of Jennifer Baker (Charlotte Sullivan) and her “little munchkin.” Suddenly more men arrive, prompting a gun fight. Waiting in the wings are Agent KC Williams (Enuka Okuma) and Dt. Roy Patterson (Paul Gross), the latter of whom guns down one of the men in the chaos.
But Slaney gets Tommy at gunpoint, into a car, and they’re gone before more police arrive. Lefevre, suffering from chest pains, doesn’t get away so easily. Now things are serious. Dave feels wholly cornered now that the love of his life has been hauled into the conversation. He’s ready to kill to protect them, even more than himself.
Patterson’s colleague Rodd Murrin (Roger Cross) is still in the loop. He urges his old pal to “come clean” about the whole operation, the truth behind Roy and his role in getting Slaney out of prison. I’d bet on the fact KC won’t be thrilled about it.
Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 2.33.15 AMSpeaking of, KC’s keeping a close eye on Slaney and Gabriel. They’re tucked away in some warehouse. Dave and Tommy have a bit of a talk about Brian Hearn (Eric Johnson), and how the former wouldn’t give up his former partner. Dave offers up Hearn. Because one way or another the guy’s going to pay for all he’s done. It’s a tragedy of Ancient Greek proportions. Eventually, these two, who once were enemies, come to a tentative deal. I only hope that Mr. Slaney won’t get lost in his quest for revenge.
In Cancun, Brian and Cyril Carter (Greg Bryk) sit down with Hugo Martinez (Chris Young), who’s setting up a meeting for the lads in Colombia. The business expands, though obviously at greater risk. We also see that Cyril’s a big mouth. He makes several unnecessary comments, one of which clearly does not sit well with Hugo. The friendship-partnership between Hearn and Cyril is rocky.
Williams has to deal with her nob of a boss, Ward Avery (Mike Dopud), wondering why she’s chasing leads in Canada. Whereas a white male agent would likely need no convincing, a black woman agent like KC, sadly, has to fight and look “crazy” instead of getting the recognition she deserves. Only to have Avery and the DEA try taking over the whole operation.
Note: For any Newfoundlanders, you’ll recognise the Campers Fish & Chips shop pictured below, supposedly in Windsor, Ontario. It’s actually Scampers Fish & Chips in St. John’s, Newfoundland; you can even see some of the interiors give away the location on O’Leary Avenue. Also, the newscaster on television in this scene is Minister of Veteran Affairs, Seamus O’Regan.
Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 2.47.18 AMIn Windsor, Slaney sees a report about himself on TV. He’s rightfully paranoid. Even worse when a few cops pull in to get a feed. Cornered once more. He doesn’t want anyone to get hurt, so he walks outside and gives himself up. Then they believe he’s the wrong man. He’s let go. Because Roy and KC are finally able to make some headway on the administrative/law enforcement end.
Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 2.49.08 AMScreen Shot 2018-03-13 at 2.54.39 AMLefevre, in custody and in hospital, calls Hearn, as the cops listen in. The two men talk about the exchange, as well as their deal. Lefevre uses the leverage of not telling Tommy about Hearn’s place in Cancun to get his brother-in-law Roy in on their operation.
Speaking of Mexico, who’s arrived? Oh, yes! None other than Mr. Slaney himself. He gets there just as a big party’s being thrown. Perfect time to slide on in under everyone’s noses, while the noses are busy snorting cocaine. Interesting to see Dave come face to face with Brian after all this time.
It’s also interesting to see the international tug of war between the RCMP and the DEA, a fun view into American and Canadian relations that we don’t always see in crime dramas. Even better seeing KC and Roy doing their thing. They work well together.
We see brief flashbacks to ’72 off the coast of Newfoundland. Hearn and Slaney are on their boat with “a million dollars worth of weed” on board, lost in the fog. This is partly where Dave begins seeing the error of his ways, in listening too much to his buddy Brian, who’s carrying a gun and acting increasingly more erratic in their drug dealing. This scene is well juxtaposed with a speech Hearn makes in Mexico upon his reunion with his fugitive friend. Even though Hearn talks a good talk, it’s all acid to Dave’s ears, especially with the new knowledge he’s discovered from Jennifer.
Soon enough, Roy and KC arrive to the party, as well. That cousin of Lefevre is Roy, posing as Roy Brophy. They meet up with Brian and the quite surprised Dave. Roy and Slaney have a quick chat alone, which alerts KC to what she didn’t yet know about these two. This warps the dynamic. There’s also Ada (Tori Anderson) and her boating skills, though she’s busy warping the dynamics between Brian and Cyril, Brian and Slaney; it’s dangerous.
He used you. I used him. He used me.”
Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 3.13.35 AMTogether, Brian and Dave reminisce. Hearn says, in his privilege, he always imagined prison as a crazy “social experiment” – all the while his pal was brutalised inside by Gabriel’s crew, beaten daily, all while imprisoned behind the unforgiving walls of Dorchester; a hard fucking place.
Whatta y’at?” (Some Newfoundland slang for ya b’ys!)
KC slips up, and Hugo spots her checking recording equipment. This makes things ridiculously tense. Roy’s been dosed, too. That doesn’t bode well, either. He goes into a fit in front of everybody, rambling – “She was only fourteen! I lied. I lied!” – before falling to the floor in a near seizure. A plan by Hearn to get alone time with Slaney.
Things are getting deadly serious now.
Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 3.25.51 AMReally can’t rave enough about Caught. The cast is fantastic, but truly, the adaptation of Lisa Moore’s novel is something special. CBC has upped their game lately in terms of original programming, and not to mention this + Little Dog is spotlighting Newfoundland and Labrador in a whole new light. The industry here is getting a much needed boost.
“Like Old Times” is next week’s episode. And lord jesus, b’ys, you better be back to find out what Slaney is at.

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