Mayans M.C. 3×08: “A Mixed-Up and Splendid Rescue”

FX’s Mayans M.C.
3×08: “A Mixed-Up and Splendid Rescue”
Directed by Alonso Alvarez-Barreda
Written by Jenny Lynn

* For a recap & review of 3×07, click here.
* For a recap & review of 3×09, click here.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans MC S03 - Confused TazaThankfully Hope has naloxone and she gives Coco a jab in the leg to keep him from overdosing off the heroin. A lifesaver. Nobody else is aware back at the clubhouse. Nails is in the bathroom puking. Tranq reaches out yet again telling Nails she can talk to him if she needs somebody. She confirms: she’s “fucking pregnant.” (We have to assume it’s Angel, right?) Right now, Tranq assures Nails he’s there for her: “Im all in.”
EZ’s at his dad’s place with Gaby making food. He’s excited to get his family together for supper, after seeing Gaby’s family together recently. He misses it. Gaby takes the moment to tell EZ about getting accepted into school. Unfortunately she’d have to move to Lodi; she applied to school before they ever got together. Always something coming in the way of happiness for EZ.

Coco and Leticia talk about the overdose. He’s ashamed of himself. He admits that he needs help and can’t do it on his own. He and Hope want to get clean together. Coco feels he owes Hope his life. That still won’t change the fact that Leticia had to see her father overdose on the couch, left to clean up his bodily functions. Not a solid father-daughter relationship.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans MC S03 - Angel Misses AdelitaAngel joins Gaby, Felipe, and EZ at the dinner table, even if he pretends not to enjoy it. EZ announces Gaby’s acceptance to nursing school. She isn’t sure about leaving yet. Angel’s a bit of a dick about it, so his dad quickly wonders how many beers his oldest son’s had this morning. He goes on calling EZ “mamas boy” because the latter gave their mother’s apron to Gaby for her to wear. He thinks they’re playing “make believe” at the breakfast table. Angel’s just lashing out at “happy endings” because of everything that went down with Adelita. He even steps over the line when it comes to his own mother. A pretty rotten display, leaving everyone in an equally rotten mood.

In Tijuana, El Palo’s looking for El Banquero. He finds his way to a shady house where he’s let into a dim living room to wait. Moments later he has a machete at his throat. So he claims he wants to make Banquero as rich as Galindo. And that’d be intriguing to anybody. Speaking of ole Miguel, he gets a call from the M.E. about his mother. He’s confused by whatever he’s hearing at first. Then it settles in. Oh, my. Likely not good.
When Angel gets to the clubhouse he’s late. Bishop isn’t happy. He isn’t pleased to see Coco isn’t there, either. The meeting gets going and everybody’s happy with the way Ramos was dealt with, but there are still issues with what happened concerning Stockton. All the same, there’s support for Bishop becoming the One King to rule the Mayans MC.

Taza gets a visit from Laura unexpectedly, turning the tables after last time. She says his visit stirred things up in her. She confesses that she blamed Taza for her brother’s death, though she knows it isn’t true. She saw Taza and David together; now we finally get 100% confirmation that Taza’s gay, something he sadly has to hide from his brothers in the MC. Then Laura admits that she was the one who told Palo about David being gay. She blames herself for David’s death. Taza says as much as they both blame themselves, neither were at fault: “All we did was love David.” She also brought along a cross necklace that belonged to David, giving it over to Taza. My god! In just a couple episodes, Taza has become such a developed character, and he’s yanked on my heartstrings a lot.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans MC S03 - El Palo Meet MacheteMiguel pays a visit to his former housekeeper, Maria. She’s nervous to have him there, but he’s only there to talk about his mother. Miguel wants to know if anything was bothering his mother before she died and he knows Dita was very close with Maria. He finds out that Dita was afraid of Emily because the latter was involved with something concerning the Reyes family; “something bad,” Maria says, according to Dita. Holy shit! This is very dangerous. Galindo will not stop now until he finds the truth and just what Emily has done.
Later, Miguel goes to see Nestor. He asks if Nestor’s ever seen Emily with any of the Reyes family. Nestor says no. Miguel believes his mother didn’t commit suicide, but rather she had her throat crushed, suggestive of strangulation. Nestor mentions that the night they found Dita there were motorcycle tracks found, all but confirming involvement from the MC for Miguel’s inquiring mind.

Gaby confides in EZ that she left her home because she wanted “to feel safe.” She feels that part of life coming back to find her after the shooting. EZ promises nothing like that will happen again. But that’s not exactly something a Mayan can promise, is it? Certainly not a bright idea to make a big promise such as that. Yet it seems Gaby trusts EZ. There’s a lot of trust going on between Hope and Coco, too. They’re busy trying to detox from the heroin, sweating and puking through the night together. Except Hope sneaks out later, leaving Coco by himself.
At home, Angel’s drunk and pointing his gun at the TV. He decides to call Nails. She shows up, but she’s definitely not happy with Angel. They do a bit of arguing straight off the bat. Angel insists Adelita’s “gone forever.” Then Nails blurts out that she’s pregnant. And it actually makes Angel happy. (Aw, but what happens to Tranq? He was so excited to take care of Nails.)

El Palo meets El Banquero finally, after the latter finishes cutting a man’s throat with a hacksaw. He quickly makes an offer for vengeance. Apparently the Galindos killed Banquero’s uncle, so Palo would like to facilitate revenge. Banquero’s uncle was a dirty paedophile, so he doesn’t have any soft feelings that might be conducive for revenge. Palo then offers to serve up Galindo’s territory to Banquero. A juicy offer.
That night, Miguel goes to bed with Emily and a lot on his mind. They start off pretty sensual and then things get heavier as they have sex. Miguel has his hands around Emily’s throat, and for a second it feels like it might go from sensual to murderous. He’s deeply conflicted and he won’t be able to rest until he finds out the truth about what happened to his mother.

At a diner, two white guys start to harass Gaby, asking for her papers and whether EZ was deported. She rushes out of there and EZ sees the two men looking at her. They start to talk shit so EZ goes back inside and beats both men viciously. He accidentally hits Gaby in the face when he pulls back for a punch, bloodying her nose. Then a few cops outside rush in and cuff EZ on the floor. Just a terrible and chaotic scene. The fear in Gaby’s eyes is so palpable. EZ’s not even worried about being arrested, he’s devastated that he hurt Gaby. This won’t go well for a former convict, either.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans MC S03 - Hacksaw

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