Mayans M.C. 4×04: “A Crow Flew By”

FX’s Mayans M.C.
4×04: “A Crow Flew By”
Directed by Michael D. Olmos
Written by Sara Price

* For a recap & review of 4×03, click here.
* For a recap & review of 4×05, click here.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans M.C. S04 - Miguel Galindo, Cemetery CaretakerIn the aftermath of Angel shooting Randall, after discovering the latter molesting Noah, they find out Noah isn’t even Randall’s son. Jesus fucking Christ. There are still repercussions, no matter what they do from here. Manny finishes Randall off because, why not? They might get Noah back to his parents now. That’s some harrowing shit.
We’re finally offered a glimpse of Miguel Galindo, too.
He’s alive somewhere, working in a cemetery.

Canche is pissed off when EZ, Angel, and Manny get back. He wants to know “who pulled the trigger,” but both Angel and Manny agree they each did. EZ takes responsibility for being the “ranking member” present. None of ti makes Canche happy, whereas Alvarez thinks it was the correct thing to do. Canche says it “killed the pipeline” and perhaps all of them. When Canche leaves, Alvarez asks Santo Padre to stick around. They discover Marcus is bringing Nestor in as his own Prospect. Whoa. This also means the others get to treat Nestor like shit, though. They’ll take full advantage. Manny also finds out he’s being sent back home, so he takes the chance to say goodbye to EZ since they bonded despite first meeting while trying to kill each other. It’s only because Canche probably senses a bond there.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans M.C. S04 - Coco Meets with AlvarezCoco’s called in to see Alvarez privately, the latter telling him he’s proud of what he sees, recognising Coco is doing well to stay clean and work hard. Marcus talks about the club being everybody, not just a select few or one charter. He asks Coco: “Are you here to build, or are you here to destroy?” Then he announces he’s sending Coco to the Oakland charter. He’s trying to make sure there’s a connection between Santo Padre and the rest of the club. Coco agrees.
Things between Canche and EZ aren’t good. EZ tries to take credit for everything in the desert, but their conversation devolves into anger. Canche calls EZ “a walking dead man.” That wound will never heal, not after Canche’s son was involved in the bombing. Alvarez notices the discord and brings EZ in to the table for a talk. He says that EZ has “a good idea of what this club could be.” But he says the younger man doesn’t understand the patch fully, or its rules. He wants EZ to understand the past before pushing towards the future, leaving him with a book about the Mayans’ history.

Bishop and Treenie are getting closer through the magic of liquor. When EZ tries to talk to Bishop he only gets a bunch of shit talk about Nietzsche. It gets really bad when EZ throws a punch at Bishop. Things at Santo Padre truly can’t get any worse. Simultaneously, Jess is jumpy being back at the bar serving drinks to the Mayans after being in contact with the Sons. She’s scared the Mayans are going to figure it out.
We discover that Galindo is working at a religious property of some sort. He’s been given shelter by his aunt, a nun. She urges him to confess his sins, but he’d rather just do his work, his “physical penance.” She also advises him to stay away from the boy, Tomas, who’s seen too much tragedy already for a child. And whatever Miguel touches just gets wrapped up in his terrible world, in some way or another.

It’s nice to see Creeper in a world outside the MC, getting to know his friend Kody from Narcotics Anonymous. It’s also nice to see Gilly go do something else, too. He shows up at an old friend’s place. He and his pal Paul (CM Punk a.k.a Phil Brooks) served in the army together. He’s there for a birthday party. He reminisces a bit with Paul. It’s clear Gilly misses this part of life, being with people he knew before pledging his life to the Mayans. There’s also trauma in Gilly’s past when it comes to the time he served in Mosul. Gilly has to break up a fight outside when Paul’s being “rough with the kids” and there’s a big scene. He and Paul have a connection; he’s able to calm his friend down so no fists are thrown. Except Paul still takes a swing.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans M.C. S04 - CM Punk as PaulEl Banquero isn’t pleased, though Canche tries to tell him they’re going to make things right. He’s so angry he shoots his own television, maybe to show Canche how little material things matter. Either way, Canche leaves, but he tries to insist that the pipeline deal between them is a good choice. We’ll just have to see if things continue between Banquero and the Mayans, or if it’s going to end up in bloodshed.
Speaking of bloodshed, there are men with guns arriving on the property where Galindo’s staying. While the nuns run to the gates, Miguel hides with Tomas in a shed. The men announce themselves loudly and telling the nuns to bring the hiding man out. The nuns stand firm with their faith in God. Then the men leave, though they’ll probably return.

Bishop and Treenie are still partying. She breaks out what’s presumably cocaine, then lines a big fat one up for him to snort. A bit later they fuck on the pool table since they’ve got the place to themselves, even if Gilly walks in on them momentarily. Just as awkward are Angel and Felipe at the former’s place eating cake and coffee, barely talking.
At the Alvarez home, Marcus is in despair over his children not knowing what a VHS machine is when a bike pulls up outside. EZ’s come to talk about “small men hijacking this club.” He thinks Canche is destroying everything. He says there’s a “kill switch clause” from the Mayans’ original bylaws. Any President can be removed if a chapter votes against them. EZ says it’s time to “give power back to the brothers.” All the while, some of the Sons are planning to take revenge for Montez. A new war is coming.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans M.C. S04 - Felipe & Angel Eat Cake

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