Mayans M.C. – SEASON 2 FINALE: “Hunahpu”

FX’s Mayans M.C.
Season 2, Episode 10: “Hunahpu”
Directed by Elgin James
Written by Kurt Sutter

* For a recap & review of the penultimate Season 2 episode, “Itzam-Ye,” click here.
* For a recap & review of 3×01, click here.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans M.C. - The Reyes FamilyThe title of the episode derives from the twin gods Hunahpu and Xbalanque (the title of the 1st episode in Season 2) were heroes in the mythology of the Maya. Through bravery and quick thinking, they outwitted the lords of Xibalba— the underworld or land of the dead— and destroyed them.

Felipe, Angel, and EZ all wake in the morning after learning the full truth as a family. EZ worries that his obsession with their mother’s murder is destroying him. But Angel feels responsibility for not being with his little brother that fateful night all those years ago. Felipe takes the most responsibility— “My sin,” as he calls it. He refuses to let his sons bear the weight of his guilt. He wants to speak to Dita, to know the truth for sure. The brothers get a call about Riz dying. Then Angel makes it clear to his father they’ll handle everything together.
Meanwhile, Adelita’s child is born. Is it really Angel’s baby? Or did she and Miguel have something together briefly? With the revelations of Felipe actually being the father of Miguel too this would complicate things MASSIVELY.

The MC are morning Riz. So greasy to see Taza sitting around with everyone, having been the one to pinch Riz’s breathing tube off. Bishop makes clear to the Kings that “the Vatos pay.” They’re pushing him to decide as a King, rather than solely as President of his club. Coco and the others really have no idea what’s on Bishop’s mind. On top of it all, the vote on EZ to patch in comes tomorrow night.
Later, Bishop talks to the Kings about their problems. Portland’s chapter have been waiting two years to get into the gun business. They’ve got an international route setup to deal the guns. If the Vatos deal doesn’t go down, it’s possible they’re “ready to defect.” This could shake up the Mayans irreparably. So the Kings suggest that Bishop talk to Palo, one-on-one. But will Bishop’s decision shake the faith in his own chapter? What will Coco do if his President decides not to take action against the Vatos after all?
No matter what happens, it’s not gonna be good.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans M.C. - Bishop and EZThe relationship between Emily and Miguel isn’t good. He treats her flippantly when they talk about Illeana, and later she realises the Illeana is being transferred to another job someplace. After that, she meets with EZ about the info that could help with Potter— about the woman, Sophia, he was with in Mexico. Emily makes EZ promise nothing will happen to her husband. He does. Is that a promise he can keep?
He tells big brother about it all. EZ explains everything and how he came into the information to “declaw” Potter. He wants Angel to make the call, given how his brother feels about Adelita and their supposed child. It isn’t an easy decision. But Angel decides they should meet with Potter. At the same time, the government’s got Adelita and the baby under lock and key, taking blood to try determining if there’s any match for the child’s father.

Dita and Felipa meet again. He asks the tough question, if she hired someone to kill him and Marisol. So Dita explains seeing them at the local festival, where she saw the couple together. She felt threatened, that Felipe would try to connect with Miguel, already suspecting her son was his, too. And it all led her to do something horrifically drastic in the belief she was protecting her own secrets. “Remorse consumed me,” Dita says, following the murder of Marisol. Now, she wants to die, and she wants Felipe to help her. This will leave him with a lot of explaining to do for his sons.

Potter meets the brothers. They’ve brought an envelope about his “favourite Latina” and his “dirty little secrets.” When Lincoln has a look inside he’s shocked to see the contents. The brothers tell him everything they know. They threaten to send it to higher-ups at the Department of Justice. Angel gets slightly more nasty, and it actually provokes Potter into a “momentary flash of passion” before EZ settles him down. The prospect tells Potter to throw out everything on Igancio Cortina, as well as to make Felipe and Marisol Reyes official citizens. 24 hours or the info goes to his bosses.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans M.C. - Mayans TableThe meeting between Bishop and Palo goes down. They see “the best thing for both clubs” together. It’s looking as if the Mayans are going to deal with the Vatos after all. Bishop doesn’t see any other way around the whole mess. Or is there something else going on here? There’s an awful lot of focus on Palo’s grandmother and her birthday. Is Bishop actually plotting something else?
He goes back to his clubhouse and calls everyone to the table. He explains how things will go down. This sets Coco off, screaming at the Kings. He goes outside, where he apologises to Chucky for recently throwing him to the floor in a fit of rage. The Kings are left happy with the President’s decision, but Bishop is the one left with the anger of his men. Not only that, Taza killed Riz for nothing ultimately.

Emily is off breaking ground for the Agra Park development with her cartel husband, making a big show for everybody, including the mayor. Across town, Dita’s slipping away from the men watching her, stealing a vehicle. She’s likely headed to go find Felipe, to what she hopes will be her fate. Seems she’s also dropped something off for the Reyes brothers on her way. She and Felipe meet in the desert. He refuses to kill her. That’s why she made sure EZ and Angel were coming, too. EZ wants to take the burden upon his shoulders. Dita kneels, saying a Hail Mary, then EZ takes her by the throat and chokes her to death while she struggles. Following that, Angel lights her corpse on fire.

There’s a match for Adelita’s child. What will Potter do with that info?
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans M.C. - The Reyes BrothersThat night, Ezekiel Reyes is patched into the Mayans.
The prospect is called to the table, after Angel plays a little trick on him, and the club celebrates their newest full member. Everyone’s happy to embrace him as he’s welcomed “to the tribe.” The club will be better off having him. Angel will benefit from having his own flesh and blood at the table with him, too.

Miguel is on the search for his mother, and Emily finds a letter upstairs indicating they ought to worry. They rush out to that spot in the desert, where Dita’s charred body lies in the dirt. Her son is devastated to see what’s happened to his mother, as is Emily. Alvarez prepares to call the sheriff’s office. He also notices there are bike tire tracks nearby. Big uh oh. What fallout will Dita’s willing death bring?
At home that night, Felipe receives official immigration documents as promised.

Big surprise at the end, when Bishop and his boys storm a Vatos party house to gun down a bunch of the bikers and their guests. Looks like Bishop used grandma’s party as a way to throw Palo off. Although Palo’s off sneaking around in the dark. The Mayans look around for him when Angel receives a text from Potter, then a call, confirming that Angel’s actually the father of Adelita’s son. Lincoln wants to use the child against the biker. Or at least he’ll use the baby to hurt Angel, anyway. More trouble for the Mayans, though. They accidentally gunned down one of the Sons of Anarchy.
Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans M.C. - Miguel's Burned Mother

“Welcome to the tribe”

Father Son Holy Gore - Mayans M.C. - Dead Son of AnarchyA wild, wild end to Season 2.
Season 3 has been confirmed! Kurt Sutter won’t be around. Elgin James can clearly carry the weight, having directed a fantastic closer here, and having written some great stuff throughout the first two seasons, not to mention helping create the show in the first place. Father Gore’s excited to see where all the mad familial drama goes in this twisty crime series next year.

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