The Twilight Zone – Season 1, Episode 8: “Point of Origin”

Eve Martin thought she knew who she was, until she didn't anymore.

The Twilight Zone – Season 1, Episode 7: “Not All Men”

Two sisters experience a night of terror after a comet causes men to turn violent en masse.

The Twilight Zone – Season 1, Episode 5: “The Wunderkind”

Raff Hanks is a political advisor who's about to run a child for POTUS. Because art imitates life.

The Twilight Zone – Season 1, Episode 3: “Replay”

Nina drives her son Dorian to an HBCU, but along the way they're stuck in a loop with an angry white cop.

The Twilight Zone – Season 1, Episode 1: “The Comedian”

A stand-up comedian, Samir, discovers newfound power after putting his life into his act. But then his life begins to change, and not always for the better.

Scary TV for a Spooky Halloween

A list of TV episodes to quench the deadly thirst of Halloween season— BEWARE!!!