Mr. Robot 4×11: “eXit”

Elliot tries to stop Whiterose. But can he?

Mr. Robot 4×10: “410 Gone”

Dom and Darlene prepare for a road trip

Mr. Robot 4×06: “406 Not Acceptable”

Elliot makes a last desperate push to convince Olivia to help him

Mr. Robot 4×05: “405 Method Not Allowed”

Elliot and Darlene might've bitten off more than either of them can chew

Mr. Robot – Season 4, Episode 4: “404 Not Found”

Elliot and Tyrell come together out of deadly necessity

Mr. Robot – 4×01: “401 Unauthorized”

After the Five/Nine hack was reversed, people got back to normal. But for Elliot, nothing is ever normal.

Mr. Robot – Season 3, Episode 10: “shutdown -r”

Elliot needs to save Darlene. Dom needs saving, too. Then again, everybody who isn't Dark Army might need a saviour.

Mr. Robot – Season 3, Episode 9: “eps3.8_stage3.torrent”

Wellick makes a comeback, whether he likes it or not. Darlene tries infiltrating the FBI via Dom.