[Fantastic Fest 2022] DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY: A Morality Play of Contemporary Witchcraft

Santiago takes lurid crime scene photos to make money, until one day, after a crime scene, he discovers someone has put a curse on him.

NO MAN OF GOD: Moral Relativism & the Uncomfortable Humanity of Ted Bundy

Amber Sealey's NO MAN OF GOD explores the corrosiveness of being in close proximity to Ted Bundy through FBI Agent Bill Hagmaier.

MURDER DEATH KOREATOWN: Exploitation & Ignorant Whiteness in True Crime

The line between found footage fiction and non-fiction blurs in this horrific true crime mystery.

The Act – Season 1, Episode 3: “Two Wolverines”

Gypsy and Dee Dee each meet men, but what they meant to them respectively is entirely different, and it could mean the beginning of the end.

The Act – Season 1, Episode 1: “La Maison du Bon Reve”

Dee Dee and Gypsy Blanchard were an inspirational story. Until they became a tragic and hideous one instead.